Steampunk Fountain and Statue
A steampunk themed version of my fountain design, complete with cogs made from original moulds. The statue is from the Games Workshop 54mm range, painted in a dark bronze colour scheme with verdigris tinges. The fountain also includes a fleur-des-lis motif on the central column.
The main cog plinth is crafted in high density foam. The statue base itself is a composite of a resin cast base and a cog design from modelling putty. The fleur-des-lis is also a putty cast embedded into the brickwork for a seamless transition.
The main cog plinth is crafted in high density foam. The statue base itself is a composite of a resin cast base and a cog design from modelling putty. The fleur-des-lis is also a putty cast embedded into the brickwork for a seamless transition.