All parcels are shipped from Sydney Australia using Australia Post.
Digital items are delivered instantly to your email inbox.
Digital items are delivered instantly to your email inbox.
Domestic Shipping (Australia and New Zealand)
Postage price is capped at $10.00
Small items are sent for a flat rate of $2.00, up to 5 items (see individual listings for qualifying items).
Small items are sent for a flat rate of $2.00, up to 5 items (see individual listings for qualifying items).
Delivery Time
Most items are made to order. Please allow 3-5 days for production (less for smaller orders, more for large orders). Once I receive payment your order will begin being cast within 24hrs.
Once posted, shipping typically takes 3-5 business days to arrive.
Once posted, shipping typically takes 3-5 business days to arrive.
International Shipping
Postage prices are charged at actual rates charged by Australia Post, please view your cart for an estimated postage total.
Small items are sent for a flat rate of $2.00, up to 5 items (see individual listings for qualifying items).
Small items are sent for a flat rate of $2.00, up to 5 items (see individual listings for qualifying items).
Delivery Time
Most items are made to order. Please allow 3-5 days for production (less for smaller orders, more for large orders). Once I receive payment your order will begin being cast within 24hrs.
Once posted, shipping typically takes 5-7 business days to arrive. If you order has not arrived after 2 weeks contact me immediately and I will follow it up.
Once posted, shipping typically takes 5-7 business days to arrive. If you order has not arrived after 2 weeks contact me immediately and I will follow it up.
Import Duties
Some countries may charge import duties for goods received. This is not an additional postage cost from me, but rather pertains to your county's local tax law, and you should take the time to find this information out to avoid surprises. Import duties are the buyer's responsibility to pay. I will not mark an item as a gift as it is an offence to do so and your order may be seized by customs.
- If there is a problem with your order please contact me immediately and I will do what I can to resolve it for you.
- If there has been a breakage in transit, or if there is some fault with your item, then I will replace or refund the part.
- If you would like to cancel your order please contact me immediately (before I post it).
- Once an order has been posted, there are no refunds for change of mind.
- My listing photos and descriptions are very clear, honest, and accurate. In all cases, before returning an item it is very important that you contact me first and allow me some time to respond.