Unlock a Dungeon Box to reveal an intricately detailed dungeon environment...
Each curated box contains a set of finely sculpted accessories - everything you need to create an immersive backdrop to weave into your storytelling, and bring your game to life.
Each curated box contains a set of finely sculpted accessories - everything you need to create an immersive backdrop to weave into your storytelling, and bring your game to life.
Your Dungeon Box is tailored according to the room you choose. Each room has a unique set of accessories, allowing you to build up a varied collection with each box.
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The Blacksmith's Forge
A wave of intense heat emanates from the heart of the forge, punctuated by the sounds of industrious hammering, as glowing metal is pounded into submission in a shower of sparks. The Master Blacksmith toils by the anvil, turning the iron in his hand with expert grace. Seemingly satisfied, he takes the hot iron and plunges it into a barrel of water, sending steam hissing into the air.
As you look around the forge, the tools of a lifetime of artisanship become apparent, scattered across tables, leaning against walls, and hanging on racks. Everything exhibits the polished patina of age and use, contrasting with the racks of freshly forged weapons and armour gleaming in the sunlight of the open doorway. An apprentice sees you enter and walks over to see what you need... |
The Tavern Hall Box Set
The murmur of conversation, the odd raucous laugh, the smell of stale beer and tobacco smoke, sticky counter tops, the clink of mugs... The Tavern is the central focal point of almost any town or city, and is an excellent place for adventurers to relax, get provisions and accommodation, or procure information.
The Tavern Hall Box Set includes:
Tavern Lodgings Box Set
After weeks of adventuring - sleeping outdoors in difficult weather, fighting off bandits and wild animals, and tending to wounds on the side of the road - the comfort and security of tavern lodgings is a welcome prospect for any hero. Lodgings mean a comfortable night's sleep, warmth, a chance to properly dress wounds, and time to clean clothes and armour.
Tavern Kitchen Box Set
The Tavern Kitchen Box Set includes:
Potion Master's Box Set
Strange perfumed scents, thick odours, and sharp herbal smells mix together into a fog at the doorway to the potion shop. As you step in you feel light-headed and warm. A cauldron bubbles gently away over some embers, while the Potion Master slices and weighs an assortment of ingredients at a workbench.
Looking around, there are a number of strange and unidentifiable plants, leaves and other ingredients laying on tables and benches around the room. On the far wall are shelves and cupboards containing an assortment of jars with mysterious contents... |